Professional photographers may argue about what piece of equipment is the most essential and what their desert-island camera or lens might be, but most would agree that the following list of resources is essential in capturing the best images.
1. You – Ansel Adams once said something to the effect that the most valuable piece of photography equipment is the one sitting about 6 inches behind the camera. Your unique perspective and personality are what makes photography the creative art that it is, and what you bring to the mix is that individual flair and personality that will make your images stand out. So practice, experiment and let yourself go. You might surprise yourself.
2. An eye for “the moment” – Experienced photographers have an uncanny sense for the precise moment and location of when to shoot. Sometimes this is a natural ability, but most of the time it is developed through lots of practice and trial-and-error, and it includes thing like angles, setting, exposure, lighting and dozens of other variables.
3. A good lens – Most people would say the camera, but these days professional-grade cameras become obsolete within 3-5 years, but a good lens practically lasts a lifetime.
4. A community – Few great artists succeed by themselves. Yes, you hear all sorts of stories about people working in a room by himself for decades or shooting in a remote area by herself for years. However, these people still had colleagues and friends with whom they corresponded and bounced ideas off of in pursuit of their art. These days, you can find that community online in places like
5. Photography software – Software of all types has made our lives easier over the last two decades, and it certainly has given photographers a wide variety of tools for shooting, editing and managing photos as well as their business. From photo editing software to studio management software, there are many types of software to explore that offer ways to streamline running a photography business and edit and manage your photos.
6. A passion for your craft – The average yearly revenue for a photographer is just north of $50,000, so most photographers aren’t going to get rich. Instead, their motivation comes from their passion for their art and for capturing the perfect image of whatever they’re shooting (plus, if you are doing something that you love, the money usually follows anyways). If your goal is to become a professional, just remember that the money might start with a trickle at first, so have patience and a backup income plan until your client base builds up. And if you want to retain your amateur status, remember to hold onto your passion and to keep photography fun (because no number of lenses or camera bodies or photographer studio software will make up for lack of passion).
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Photographer Studio Software, Photographer Studio, Studio Software
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J. Kear is a professional writer and reviewer of all types of software for businesses, including wedding planners, event planners, DJs, and photographers.