Photography Poses – Immediately Improve Your Photographs!
Studying and learning various photography poses is the fastest and easiest route to becoming a sought after photographer. Even if you never decide to go “pro”, mastering the basic photography poses will put pizzazz in your photography. If you want to start getting YOUR share of oohs and ahhs, keep reading…The Linebacker…The most common error I see in amateur photography – and in more professional work than you may imagine – is what I call the “Linebacker” pose. Consider a professional football player. (The American kind, not what we in the U.S. call soccer.) Size is a major component of their job. The bigger and wider they appear to be, the better. When they pose for photographs, they will face the camera straight on – with their shoulders looking as wide as possible. They want their hips and thighs to appear huge as well. The more of the frame they can fill, the better – intimidation is the object. Now imagine almost everyone else in the world…few of them are trying to appear intimidating in their portraits. But, for some reason, we all tend to pose our subjects with their shoulders and hips facing the camera straight on – like a linebacker! Take Off The Excess Size…To help our subjects shed that “linebacker” look, simply have them turn their shoulders about 45 degrees to the camera. This looks natural and is a far more slimming pose. (And EVERYONE wants to look slimmer – it’s the way of the world!) If they’re visible in the photo, their hips and feet should be turned as well.
Rule of thumb…Shoulders, hips, and feet should never be straight on to the camera. Avoid The “Sumo Wrestler” Photography Poses Too! While linebackers want to appear broad – they don’t necessarily want to appear fat! The only photo subject I can think of that actively WANTS to look fat is a Sumo wrestler. We almost ALL think we look too fat, and “the camera adds 10 pounds.” To help our subjects visually lose some weight, consider what makes us look heavy! It’s the shadows! We define the shape by highlights and shadow. If we minimize shadows, people will look slimmer. So here is a tip that can visually remove about ten pounds from your subject…Have your models wearing dark clothing! Remember that the shadows define the shape and therefore if the shadows disappear – and so does the weight. Start using these two photography poses and you’ll see an immediate improvement in your photos.
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Photography Poses
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I know how hard it can be to try and capture your creative vision with a camera, but if you really want to be creative you’ll need to learn a couple of methods that work amazingly well…They are simple to pick up, work right away and don’t take any practice – you can read how to do it in my free ebook “Secrets To Creating Stunning Photos!” Don’t give up hope, it’s NOT impossible. To learn how to put that elusive “WOW” factor into your photography – go here.